Mykalle Bielinski

mykalle (warm up)

© Photo : Maxime Côté


Friday, July 26th 10 PM

In response to the climate and energy crises, Warm up pushes consumer society to the limit. It tackles head-on the blind spot of sustainable development and our unbridled use of natural resources and electricity. So how do you create an eco-responsible show? By generating your own electricity with your body and a bicycle?

In the ultimate experiment in energy self-sufficiency, Mykalle pedals to recharge a battery that powers the elements of her show. A sporting performance, manifesto, concert and meditation, Warm up explores the decreases needed to heal our greed and rebuild our broken bond with nature. In the sacredness of song and ritual gesture, the show reveals the crucial role artists can play in raising awareness of the climate crisis.

Performance in French.
In collaboration with SummerWorks.

In the event of uncertain weather, check our social networks to find out if the event has been maintained, moved, postponed or cancelled.