Poney-sur-mer, Audrey Lewka, FURIES 2023, photo Marie-Josée Lemieux


Under the artistic direction of Priscilla Guy, Sébastien Provencher and Karla Etienne, FURIES is a contemporary dance festival on a human scale, held in Marsoui in the Haute-Gaspésie region, which brings hard-hitting choreographic forms to the everyday landscape. FURIES is produced by Mandoline Hybride.



Land and water recognition statement

We wish to acknowledge that our activities and gatherings take place on the unceded lands and waters of the Mi’gmaq Nation. These traditional lands and waters are known to the Mi’gmaq community as the 7th district of the Mi’gma’gi, Gespe’gewa’gi: The Last Land. Visit Mandoline Hybride’s website to read the full statement and discover all our decolonization initiatives.

Our code of conduct

To ensure everyone’s safety, FURIES presents this code of conduct and invites you to read it. With this tool, FURIES hopes to encourage reflection, facilitate decision-making and prevent situations that could endanger the integrity of everyone at this event, which we hope will be festive and joyful!

If you have any doubts about how to deal with a problematic situation, contact one of the team members identified by a roundel as soon as possible, who will be able to intervene, help you or refer you to a qualified person. If you wish to communicate by e-mail, you can use the following confidential address: accueil@mandolinehybride.com.

Our eco-responsible commitments

FURIES is proud of its commitment to reducing its ecological footprint, through concrete choices in terms of suppliers, artist hosting and transportation.

  • No single-use plastic used in the bar or kitchen;
  • No printing of evening programs;
  • Around 400 home-cooked meals served to artists and crews on reusable crockery;
  • Print-free ticketing;
  • All organic waste is composted in the kitchen and recycled on site;
  • Artists’ and crews’ travel offset through the purchase of carbon credits;
  • Sale of second-hand, locally and ethically screen-printed camisoles, T-shirts and sweaters;
  • Choice of local suppliers (bar, meals, banner printing, etc.).


Programming process

As a festival on a human scale with limited resources, FURIES does not issue a call for projects. However, it is possible to send us an unsolicited submission, which we will consider within a reasonable timeframe, given that the artistic programming team only works 10 to 15 hours per month from September to May.

The FURIES artistic team has to make difficult choices from among a plethora of artistic proposals, mainly in dance, but also in music, performance, physical theater, storytelling and circus, as indicated by its mandate to discover and network disciplines through dance. Only around 15 works are selected each year. Many people submit projects to us, and we have to turn down the vast majority.

Since programming is planned about 10 months in advance, early fall is a good time to send in your projects for the next edition. To submit a project, please fill in this form.

Programming axes

In the context of FURIES, on the one hand, we tend to program completed works, as our risk-taking does not lie in accompanying creation for premieres (as is the case for Tangente and Agora de la danse), but rather in eclectic, uncompromising programming that favors revivals of works that have often toured little or not at all in Quebec and, a fortiori, in Gaspésie. So, with the exception of the carte blanche we give artists to create a work specifically for Marsoui (e.g. Louise Bédard at the pit de sable), we often favor works in finished format that we’ve seen in real life or on video.

On the other hand, we try to go with common favorites among the 3 members of the current artistic team (Sébastien Provencher, Karla Etienne and Priscilla Guy), whose aesthetic tastes are quite different.

Finally, there are a multitude of elements that we take into account, such as provenance, artistic maturity, type of choreographic practice, proposed aesthetics, solo or group pieces, representation of marginalized communities, a concern to contribute to the decolonization of dance dissemination, and so on. Programming must reflect a set of values that the festival upholds and that influence our choices.

Thus, the choice of whether or not to program a work at the festival depends not only on its artistic interest, but also on a complex balance between a multitude of elements that form the context of FURIES.

We look forward to hearing from you!

– Priscilla, Sébastien and Karla

For more information on programming, contact Sébastien Provencher at sprovencher@furiesfestival.com.


FURIES 2022 souvenir capsule

FURIES 2021 souvenir capsule

FURIES 2020 souvenir capsule


For further information, please contact Marie-Charlotte Castonguay-Harvey, Mandoline Hybride’s Administrative Director and Co-General Manager, at gestion@mandolinehybride.com.